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Production by year

This dataset contains information on natural resource production volumes on Native American lands and federal lands and waters.

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These datasets include natural resource production for federal lands, federal waters, and Native American lands. These datasets do not include privately owned lands or state-owned lands.

Federal production data is available by location. Native American data is only available at the national level to protect private and personally identifiable information.

The Department of the Interior’s Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) tracks and manages this data.
  • Oil and Gas production is collected on Form ONRR-4054-B (Oil and Gas Operations Report, Part B).
  • Solid mineral production is collected on Form ONRR-4430 (Solid Minerals Production and Royalty Report).
  • Geothermal sales volumes are obtained from the Form ONRR-2014 (Report of Sales and Royalty Remittance).

Data publication

We update both the calendar year and fiscal year datasets on an annual basis. Final production numbers are not available for 3-4 months, so these datasets are updated 3-4 months after the end of the fiscal and calendar years.

Annual totals and monthly totals

The annual totals in this production by year data may not be equivalent to the sum of 12-month production totals (for a given calendar or fiscal year) found in the production by month data. While the production volume (amount of a commodity coming out of the ground) doesn't change, the way it is accounted for might. There are two main reasons why:
  • Operators may not report on time, meaning production for a past month might increase when the operator submits the report and ONRR updates the data.
  • The Bureau of Land Management may choose to change agreements and units after production. These changes may affect the allocation of the production volume, changing the data.
For example, changing an agreement retroactively may change the allocation of production among states, the federal government, and Native American tribes and individuals. As a result, the apportioned totals in the data would change.

About the data

Why is geothermal energy listed so many times?

We can only compare production that is reported in the same unit. The standard unit of measurement for geothermal energy in the federal production dataset is kilowatt hours, but a few counties report it differently. We have separate charts for each of these counties because they report in nonstandard units:
  • Dona Ana County, NM reports direct use of geothermal resources in million gallons.
  • Churchill County, NV reports direct use of geothermal resources in hundred gallons.
  • Lassen County, CA reports direct use of geothermal resources in million BTUs.
  • Lassen County, CA reports geothermal energy generation as other (no unit).
  • Lake County, CA; Sonoma County, CA; and Beaver County, UT report geothermal energy generation in thousand pounds.
  • Inyo County, CA reports sulfur from geothermal resources as long tons.

A note about “Mixed Exploratory” versus “Federal” categories of production

To build our data visualizations, we aggregated production from two types of jurisdictions: “federal” and “mixed exploratory.”
  • Federal production is production from federal lands and waters.
  • “Mixed exploratory” is a temporary jurisdictional unit. It is used until production is proven on that location. BLM then creates a permanent unit with allocation schedules that may split that area between federal and other ownership. Payors then resubmit royalties based on the new unit allocations. These royalties are retroactive to the first production.
The federal government rarely gets 100% of “mixed exploratory” volumes. These categories are disaggregated in the federal production dataset, downloadable on this page.

Why is quartz crystal measured in “tickets/pounds”?

Quartz crystal is sometimes sold in relatively small quantities in gift shops and tourist attractions. In some cases, tourists can buy admission tickets to dig for their own minerals. ONRR may collect royalties on the admission tickets, not on the weight of minerals collected. Some minerals are sold by quality, not by weight.

The unit “tickets/pounds” shows quantities measured in both tickets sold and weight sold combined. The royalty amount for ticket transactions often does not meet ONRR's review threshold, so the specific quantities in weight may be unknown.

Data dictionary

Fields and definitions

  • Calendar Year: The period between January 1 and December 31 for a given year.
  • Fiscal Year: The year the production occurred. The federal fiscal year runs from October 1 of the prior year through September 30 of the year being described. For example, Fiscal Year 2018 is between October 1, 2017, and September 30, 2018.
Land Class
  • Federal: Federal lands (PDF) are owned by or under the jurisdiction of the federal government. Federal lands include: public domain lands, acquired lands, military acquired lands, and the Outer Continental Shelf .
  • Native American: Includes Tribal lands held in trust by the federal government for a tribe’s use, and allotments held in trust by the federal government for individual Native American use.
  • Mixed Exploratory: A temporary jurisdictional unit. It is used until production is proven on that location (see above).
Land Category
  • Onshore: Situated or occurring on land.
  • Offshore: Submerged lands located farther than three miles off a state’s coastline, or three marine leagues into the Gulf of America off Texas and western Florida.
State: The state where the production occurred.

County: The county where the production occurred.

FIPS Code: Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code is a five-digit code which uniquely identifies counties and county equivalents in the U.S., certain U.S. possessions, and certain freely associated states. The first two digits are the FIPS state code and the last three are the county code within the state or possession.

Offshore Region: BOEM separates offshore areas into four regions: Gulf of America, Atlantic, Pacific, and Alaska. For more information on offshore regions, including spatial boundaries, see BOEM's maps and GIS data .

Product: Products are listed individually but may also fall into like categories.
  • Anhydrous Sodium Sulfate (tons)
  • Borate Products (tons): include Borax-Anhydrous, Borax-Decahydrate, Borax-Pentahydrate, and Boric Acid
  • Borrow Sand and Gravel (tons)
  • Brine Products: include Brine Barrels (converted to tons equivalent) and Magnesium Chloride Brine
  • Calcium Chloride (lbs)
  • Carbon Dioxide (tons)
  • Cinders (tons)
  • Clay (tons)
  • Coal (tons)
  • Coal-Bituminous-Raw (tons)
  • Coal-Fines Circuit (tons)
  • Other Coal Products (tons): include Leonardite and Coal Waste (Sub-Econ)
  • Copper (lbs)
  • Copper Concentrate (tons)
  • Gas (Mcf)
  • Geothermal - Direct Use (hundreds of gallons)
  • Geothermal - Direct Use (millions of gallons)
  • Geothermal - Direct Use (millions of BTUs)
  • Geothermal - Electrical Generation (kilowatt hours)
  • Geothermal - Electrical Generation (thousands of pounds)
  • Geothermal - Electrical Generation (other)
  • Geothermal - Sulfur (long tons)
  • Gilsonite (tons)
  • Gold and Silver Products (ozs): include Gold, Gold Placer, and Silver
  • Gold and Silver Products (tons): include Gold Ore
  • Gypsum (tons)
  • Hardrock Products (tons): include Limestone (tons) and Wavellite (spcmns)
  • Humate (tons)
  • Langbeinite (tons)
  • Lead Concentrate (tons)
  • Leonardite (tons)
  • Mine Water (tons)
  • Molybdenum Concentrate (tons)
  • Muriate Of Potash-Granular (tons)
  • Muriate Of Potash-Standard (tons)
  • Oil (bbls)
  • Phosphate Raw Ore (tons)
  • Potash (tons)
  • Potassium Products (tons): include Manure Salts and Sylvite-Raw Ore
  • Potassium Sulphate-Standard (tons)
  • Purge Liquor (tons)
  • Quartz Crystal (tickets/lbs)
  • Salt (tons)
  • Sand/Gravel (tons)
  • Sand/Gravel-Cubic Yards (cyds)
  • Soda Ash (tons)
  • Sodium Bi-Carbonate (tons)
  • Sodium Products (tons): include Anhydrous Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Bisulfite, Sodium Decahydrate, Sodium Sesquicarbonate, Sulfide, and Trona Ore
  • Zinc Concentrate (tons)
Volume: Shows the production volume (amount produced). The units for volume are shown in the preceding field (Product).

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