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Production by month

This dataset contains monthly production volumes for U.S. federal minerals on both land (onshore) and water (offshore) and Native American minerals. We have monthly production data from January 2003 through the most recently available month, which is usually 3-4 months prior to the current month.

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These datasets include natural resource production for federal lands, federal waters, and Native American lands. It does not include privately owned minerals or U.S. state minerals.

The dataset includes data tracked and managed by the Department of the Interior’s Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR).
  • Monthly production data is available for coal, oil, and gas.
  • Oil and gas production is collected on Form ONRR-4054-B (Oil and Gas Operations Report, Part B).
  • Coal production is collected on Form ONRR-4430 (Solid Minerals Production and Royalty Report).

Data publication

We update this production data every month, but final production numbers aren't available for 3-4 months. For example, the most recent production data for a file updated in November will be from July or August.

Monthly totals and annual totals

The sum of 12-month production totals for a given calendar or fiscal year may not add up to the annual total found in the production by year data. While the production volume (amount of a commodity coming out of the ground) doesn't change, the way it is accounted for might. There are two main reasons why:
  • Operators may not report on time, meaning production for a past month might increase when the operator submits the report and ONRR updates the data.
  • The Bureau of Land Management may choose to change agreements and units after production. These changes may affect the allocation of the production volume, changing the data.
For example, changing an agreement retroactively may change the allocation of production among states, the federal government, and Native American tribes and individuals. As a result, the apportioned totals in the data would change.

Data dictionary

Fields and definitions

Date: The date in which the production occurred.

Land Class: This field distinguishes federal lands and waters from Native American lands.
  • Federal: Includes federal lands (PDF) that are owned by or under the jurisdiction of the federal government, including: public domain, acquired, military acquired, and the Outer Continental Shelf .
  • Native American Includes Tribal lands held in trust by the federal government for a tribe’s use, and allotments held in trust by the federal government for individual Native American use.
Land Category: This field distinguishes between onshore and offshore production.
  • Onshore: Situated or occurring on land.
  • Offshore: Submerged lands located farther than three miles off a state’s coastline, or three marine leagues into the Gulf of America off Texas and western Florida.
Commodity: We have monthly data for oil, gas, and coal, since these are high-volume commodities that result in the most revenue. This field includes the units for each commodity in parentheses.
  • Oil Prod Vol (bbl): Oil production, measured in barrels (bbl).
  • Gas Prod Vol (Mcf): Gas (natural gas), measured in thousand cubic feet (Mcf).
  • Coal Prod Vol (ton): Coal is measured in tons. A ton is 2000 pounds.
Volume: Shows the production volume (amount produced). The units for volume are shown in the preceding field (Commodity).

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