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Production disposition by month

This dataset contains monthly production disposition volumes from ONRR’s OGOR-B form. These volumes come from the production of oil and gas. Production locations include federal lands, federal waters, and Native American lands.

This data is available from January 2003 through the most recently available month, which is usually 3-4 months prior to the current month. The historical dataset contains data from January 2003 through December 2013 and is not updated. The dataset starting with January 2014 is updated monthly.

This dataset contains monthly information on the disposition of production for each product (oil and gas) produced. The product could have been:
  • directly removed/sold
  • directly used (injected)
  • moved off the lease
  • transferred to a different facility
  • flared, spilled and/or lost
  • lost through evaporation/shrinkage
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This dataset includes oil and gas production for U.S. federal lands, federal waters, and Native American lands. This dataset does not include privately owned minerals or U.S. state minerals. Federal production data is available by location. Native American data is only available at the national level to protect private and personally identifiable information.

The Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) manages this dataset. The production disposition data for oil and gas is collected on Form ONRR-4054-B (Oil and Gas Operations Report, Part B).

Data publication

We update this production data every month, but final production numbers aren't available for 3-4 months. For example, the most recent production data for a file updated in November will be from July or August.

About the data

A note about “mixed exploratory” versus “federal” production categories. To build our data visualizations, production was combined from two types of jurisdictions: “federal” and “mixed exploratory.”
  • Federal is production from federal onshore and offshore minerals.
  • Mixed Exploratory is a temporary jurisdictional unit. It is used until production is proven on that location. It comprises federal and/or Native American minerals, with other mineral ownership. Utilizing “mixed exploratory” helps drilling and production proceed in the most efficient and economical manner.

Data dictionary

Fields and definitions

Production Date: The date in which the production occurred.

Land Class: This field distinguishes federal lands and waters from Native American lands.
  • Federal: Includes federal minerals that are owned by or under the jurisdiction of the federal government. Federal ownership includes public domain, acquired, military acquired, and Outer Continental Shelf .
  • Native American: Includes tribal minerals held in trust by the federal government for a tribe’s use. It also includes allotments held in trust by the federal government for individual Native American use.
  • Mixed Exploratory: A temporary jurisdictional unit that is used until production is proven on that location (see above).
Land Category: This field distinguishes between onshore and offshore production.
  • Onshore: Situated or occurring on land.
  • Offshore: Submerged lands located farther than three miles off a state’s coastline. For the Gulf of Mexico, offshore is three marine leagues from Texas and Western Florida.
State: The state where the production occurred.

County: The county where the production occurred.

FIPS Code: The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code is a five-digit code which uniquely identifies counties and county equivalents in the U.S., certain U.S. possessions, and certain freely associated states. The first two digits are the FIPS state code and the last three are the county code within the state or possession.

Offshore Region: BOEM separates offshore areas into four regions: Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic, Pacific, and Alaska. For more information on offshore regions, including spatial boundaries, see BOEM's maps and GIS data .

Disposition Code: This field is a two-digit code indicating the means of product removal from the report entity.

Disposition Description: This field describes how the oil or gas is used and/or where it goes.

Dispositions associated with oil:

Disposition CodeDisposition Description
01Sales - Royalty Due - MEASURED
03Load Oil
04Sales - Royalty Due - Not Measured
05Sales - Royalty Not Due, Recovered Injection - MEASURED
07Condensate Sales - Royalty Due - MEASURED
08Spilled and/or Lost - Avoidable - Royalty Due
09Sales - Royalty Not Due - MEASURED
10Produced into Inventory Prior to Sales
11Transferred to Facility
13Transferred from Facility
14Injected on L/A
15Sales Buy-Back - Measured - Royalty Not Due
16Pipeline Drip/Retrograde Scrubber Production
20Used on L/A - Native Production Only
23Spilled and/or Lost - Unavoidable - Royalty Not Due
25Buy-Back Purchased for L/A Use
26Buy-Back - Used on L/A
29Waste Oil/Slop Oil
43Sales - Royalty Not Due - FMP not Assigned

Dispositions associated with gas:

Disposition CodeDisposition Description
01Sales - Royalty Due - MEASURED
04Sales - Royalty Due - Not Measured
05Sales - Royalty Not Due - Recovered Injection - MEASURED
06Sales - Non-Hydrocarbon Gas
08Spilled and/or Lost - Avoidable - Royalty Due
09Sales - Royalty Not Due - MEASURED
11Transferred to Facility
12Transferred to Facility - Returned to L/A
13Transferred from Facility
14Injected on L/A
15Sales Buy-Back - Measured - Royalty Not Due
20Used on L/A - Native Production Only
21Flared Oil - Well Gas
22Flared Gas - Well Gas
23Spilled and/or Lost - Unavoidable - Royalty Not Due
25Buy-Back - Purchased for L/A Use
26Buy-Back - Used on L/A
33Flared Gas - Royalty Due
43Sales - Royalty Not Due - FMP Not Assigned
61Vented Oil - Well Gas
62Vented Gas - Well Gas
63Vented Gas - Royalty Due

Commodity: Products are listed individually but may also fall into like categories.
  • Oil Prod Vol (bbl): Oil production, measured in barrels (bbl).
  • Gas Prod Vol (Mcf): Gas (natural gas), measured in thousand cubic feet (Mcf).
Volume: Shows the production volume (amount produced). The units for volume are shown in the preceding field (Commodity).

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